Yahoo phone from Yahoo for Japaeese only

Only Japanese will get a phone equipped with Android system coming from Yahoo company the phone is called "Yahoo phone". Why only japaneese? simply because Yahoo is more popular in japan and the phone will be sold by SoftBank company.

The phone was manufactured by the japaneese Sharp company and it is a copy renovated from Sharp phone "AQUOS 009SH" . Overall the phone is equipped with Android 2.3, the screen is 4 inch with LCD technology and the brightness QHD, the camera is 8 megapixel, uses the CMOS sensor and bluetooth 3.0 supports the technology of Wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g/n and a port for external memory microSDHC and of course the view TV channels feature, electronic Wallet and infrared technology.

Of course the phone will be equipped with many applications for Yahoo and the release date is next month.

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